¡A veces las criaturas son muy similares y difíciles de distinguir unas de otras!
Aquí hay algunos videos cortos y divertidos de educación sobre la naturaleza para ayudarlo a aprender las similitudes y diferencias entre estas criaturas. También aprenderá sobre su hábitat y consejos para mantenerse a salvo si los encuentra en sus entornos naturales.
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¡Aquí hay un bote de miel con videos, actividades y recursos educativos sobre la naturaleza dulce para que las abejas ocupadas aprendan más sobre las criaturas y el medio ambiente! ¡Nos alegra que haya visitado nuestro mundo natural virtual para obtener más información antes de volar a Great Outdoors en persona!
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Eventos especiales
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Animal Features
Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma)
Also known as horny toads or horned toads. They are not real toads, but they do have the same body shape of a flattened head, flattened round body and short snout. They are not tiny dinosaurs, but their back and sides of their bodies are covered with modified scales and they have true horns on their head which have a bony core. Their coloring acts as a camouflage to help them hide from predators. If threatened, they will puff up to look bigger and more threatening. This also makes it harder for predators to swallow them. There are 15 species of horned lizards native to the US; 4 are native to California. Some species can squirt a well-aimed stream of blood from the corners of their eyes as far as 5 feet away, this is known as ocular autohemorrhaging. It confuses predators, and even repels them with the odor. It is hypothesized that their blood contains foul-smelling chemicals due to their specialized diet of large quantities of venomous native harvester ants. Their populations, which rely on native harvester ants, are in decline due to efforts to eradicate ants in general, habitat loss, and the invasion of Argentine and fire ants from South America, which outcompete native ants and are a threat to all wildlife. If you would like to help these charismatic lizards, plant native plants that feed harvester ants and be careful of insecticides that might kill the lizard’s food supply.
Raven (Corvus corax)
The Raven is about twice the size of a crow, but built more slender with longer, narrow wings. It has a bowie knife shaped beak, shiny black eyes, and tufted breast feathers. Their tail feathers form a wedge-shape in flight. This bird exudes confidence, grace, and curiosity as they strut around. They are normally seen alone or in pairs. The #Raven is a common bird in the north and west regions of North America. They thrive in a variety of habitats such as grasslands, sagebrush areas, forested areas, deserts and coastlines alike.
Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)
The Great Horned Owl is known for its distinctive ear tufts. Their facial disc feathers direct sound waves to their ears which are very sensitive to noises. They have very soft fluffy feathers for stealthy quiet flight while hunting. They’re a fierce predator that can take large prey, such as falcons and other owls. They have super strong talons allowing for a deadly grip known to sever the spine of their prey. This owl can live to over 20 years of age.
Long-Tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata)
This critter eats mice, voles, rats, birds/bird eggs, frogs, gophers, insects, rabbits, and even carrion. With a very high metabolism, it eats about 40% of its body weight every day! They are highly intelligent with a strong sense of smell, sharp eyesight, and excellent hearing. Don’t let the cuteness fool you! Weasels are bold and aggressive with sharp teeth and claws, and they will bite if threatened. They are known to inflict a lethal bite to the neck when hunting larger prey. Weasels live in burrows or nests under trees and rock piles. They also release a strong-smelling musk during mating season and when frightened.
Desert Cottontail Rabbit (Sylvilagus audubonii)
The Desert Cottontail Rabbit is also known as Audubon's cottontail, they make their homes in burrows vacated by other mammals. They have brown-gray fur and a light cream color underbelly. They have large ears comprising 14% of their body size. They have a keen sense of hearing, which is their primary defense system, and the ears also help regulate body temperature. They have a lifespan of about 2 years, and are full grown by 3 months having 2-4 litters each year. They are herbivores, eating mostly grass. They are also coprophagic which means they eat their own feces; this secondary digestive process helps them extract more nutrients since grass is difficult to digest. When in danger, they hop way in a zig-zag motion at speeds over 19 mph.
How do you tell these two rabbits apart?
Brush rabbits differ from desert cottontails in that they have shorter ears, a more uniform darker gray/brown color, as opposed to a multicolored rust (at the nape of neck and legs), white, and gray. The desert cottontail has a fluffier white tail and dark tipped ears compared to the brush rabbit. Brush rabbits are always associated with dense brush cover, while desert cottontails can be found in more open habitats.
Western Brush Rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani)
Brush rabbits have cottontails, fur in shades from gray to light brown with a white belly. They live in dense brush cover, typically chaparral vegetation. They are timid and careful using burrows, tunnels, and runways thru brush to get around. When frightened, they either thump their feet or remain very still, which may go on for several minutes, or they hop/run away at speeds of 20-25 mph. Brush rabbits are herbivores with a lifespan of about 2 years in the wild. They usually breed three litters a year of 2-4 offspring known as kittens. Rabbits purr when content and get “binky” (express joy) when happy by running and jumping up while flicking their feet and twisting their bodies in mid-air. They also are known to flop out on their side when resting.
Tarantula (Theraphosidae)
There are over 850 known species of tarantulas. Here in North America, most species are brown in color and very hairy. They have four pairs of eyes, one pair in the middle of their head are larger than the other pairs. Even with all these eyes, they can only see motion, light, and darkness. Tarantulas have hairs and tiny slits all over their body which are sensory organs and are very important to their survival. They can taste, smell, hear, sense and feel vibrations via these well-developed “spidey senses.” When they sense danger, they usually run and hide from predators, but if needed, they can throw off their prickly body hairs that may land in the eyes of a predator, or emit tiny barbed bristles from their feet, or even bite with their fangs (chelicera) which are mostly just used for subduing prey. If a tarantula loses a leg, it can regrow a new one. Tarantulas are known to be cannibalistic, female tarantulas often attempt to eat their male counterparts after mating.
Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura)
Turkey Vultures are a large raptor with a distinctive bald red head, white hooked beak, and dark brown feathers. They have an excellent sense of smell to help them find their food which is carrion/rotting meat. These #vultures hang out in large community groups of dozens to hundreds in open fields, along roadsides and at landfills. Their only vocalizations are grunts and low hisses. At night they roost in very high, secluded spots.
Nature Ed
Lava Rock at Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve
FUN FACT: Ever wonder why some rocks resemble a sponge with small holes? They are lava rocks, and are found at Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve. Ranger Rob Hicks explains how these rocks came to have this unique characteristic.
Serpientes de gopher y serpientes de cascabel - ¡Oh Dios mío!
¡Oh mi! 😲 El intérprete de la naturaleza de RivCoPark, Sami Whitcher, analiza las diferencias entre las serpientes ardilla y las serpientes cascabel.
Serpientes de gopher y serpientes de cascabel - ¡Oh Dios mío!
¡Oh mi! 😲 El intérprete de la naturaleza de RivCoPark, Sami Whitcher, analiza las diferencias entre las serpientes ardilla y las serpientes cascabel.